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BScEng (Civil) (Hons), MBA, CMEngNZ, CPEng(NZ), IntPE(NZ) , TGEng(NZ), MITE


Bruno is a lead designer and key contact for several TES contracts. He is a chartered engineer with over 30 years of experience in transportation. He has held responsibility for the investigation, computer modelling, economic evaluation and design of all types of junctions. He has prepared scheme and construction plans, and has undertaken crash reduction studies, safety audits, peer reviews, resource consent reviews, scheme assessment reports, and Integrated Transport Assessments.


Bruno has been involved in investigating, ranking and mapping crashes Auckland wide, and has assisted councils in developing their District Plan transportation policy. He has fulfilled client secondment roles, and has prepared several transportation reports for substantial developments in the Middle East.


Also, he has presented and published research and conference papers on 6 transportation topics at 8 conferences (2015 to 2023), locally and internationally. These conferences include IPENZ, Safer Roads, ARSC, TRAFINZ and ATRF. His 'Candia Road' paper was ‘Highly Commended’ at the 3M Awards at an IPENZ conference (2017). His paper ‘Fix Crash Corner – A Roundabout Story’ was presented at the 2022 ARSC conference, published in the ‘Journal of Road Safety’ (2022), and presented on the Waka Kotahi website as a Safe System Case Study (2023).


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