TES was commissioned to prepare scheme, detailed design and construction plans for 21 'gateways' for the Auckland CBD. The gateways are traffic calming threshold treatments, aimed at introducing a 30km/h speed zone within the Auckland CBD.
During the first stage of implementation the gateways have included pavement surfacing, signage, and vertical deflection (speed platforms). Later stages may involve incremental improvements to urban design, landscaping, lighting, and tactical urbanism.
This project is a significant road safety initiative for Auckland City, aligned with Safe System principles of road safety, and should reduce DSI type crashes in Auckland.
The project was high profile due to the conspicuity of the gateways, and the wide impact of the safety improvements.
TES were involved throughout the project, completing all design (including street lighting, pavement design, landscaping, structural design), RSA response, consultation plans, cost estimates, and resolutions.